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If you’re still on the hunt for the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your loved one, why not a horny teddy bear? Build-A-Bear launched a toy line of playful adult outfits for the customizable stuffed toys and it might be the answer for what to get your partner for the upcoming romantic holiday.
As the holiday approaches, Build-A-Bear reminded fans of its Facebook page that their Giftshop has more than just toys for kids. “Wink, wink –our Giftshop is full of gifts for adults too!” the post shared. “Shop Build-A-Bear After Dark for unique gift ideas that are sure to get you hugged.
Hearing that, chances are your mind went to where others did… what kind of adult bears are we talking about there? Depending on your feelings about these bears, you’ll either be disappointed or thankful that the actual bears and outfits for sale in “After Dark” line aren’t too explicit. The lion wearing the silk robe is about as horny/sexy as it gets.
“From stuffed animals from your favorite movies and franchises to teddy bear gifts for adults celebrating life’s achievements, there are plenty of stuffed animals for adults to love and snuggle with,” the collection description reads.
Wink, wink –our Giftshop is full of gifts for adults too! Shop Build-A-Bear After Dark for unique gift ideas that are sure to get you hugged.
Most of the outfits are tame compared to what we imagined they could be. T-shirts that make jokes about loving alcohol while the bear holds a wine bottle and glass; shirts that have cheesy lines like “you’re my person,” or “I want to take you out.”
These gifts are sold on the Build-A-Bear website, but they’re also part of a collection called “The Bear Cave” which sounds sexier than it is. To enter this section of the Build-A-Bear website, you must confirm that you’re at least 18-years-old, only to be met with the same alcohol-inspired bears and character bears like Marvel, Harry Potter, and Doctor Who.
Reading through the comments on the brand’s social media, it’s clear that we’re not the only ones who thought this line would be more … adult. But maybe that’s a market they’ll lean into heavier next year.
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